Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Western astrology Vs Vedic astrology

Vedic astrology is based on moon sign and deals with only 9 planets. here sun(biggest star of solar system) ,moon (earth own satillite), rahu , kethu ( eliptic path where sun and moon path intersect) are considered as planets. The definition of planet was given wrong in vedic astrology , but the distance between them and time each planet takes for one revolution in the solar system are calculated nearest to the accurate. They are written thousand of years back before the invention of telescopes

Western astrology is based on the sun sign and adding the recently invented planets like uranus , neptune , pluto for the predictions.

But still our vedic astrology rocks by the way it is written, It even attracts many western people. I really surprised with many videos published by the astorlogers from UK an USA where they follow our vedic astrology for the prediction.

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